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    Dissociation Resources & Links

    Disclaimer and Caution

    There is a great need for people with dissociation to know that they are not alone and to reach out for support, information and validation. This need prompted my addition of resources here.

    That being said, as with any mental health space, there will be people or resources you may encounter in online spaces who are not healed or healthy. As with any resource, what is useful and positive for one person or part may not be for others, and that is okay.

    Evaluate each resource listed below and use your own discretion. I am always open to feedback if you feel that a resource listed below is problematic.



    The Plural Association offers a free warmline, which is described as a space “Systems & their Headmates can share their stories & worries with a trained, lived experience peer support Plural volunteer via email, live chat, sms texts & calls.” Click here to learn more. 


    Well + Good article’s article What Does it Actually Mean to Have a Dissociative Episode?” is a well written article on what dissociation is like and why it happens, and for which I served as a resource.

    The Dissociative Initiative  is the website for, by and about people with multiplicity, dissociation, and amnesia

    PODS was a website with information about trauma and dissociation, it is no longer being updated but houses useful information

    Many Voices newsletter for those recovering from childhood abuse

    Peer Support for Multiples is a peer led support network for those with DID or OSDD

    Discussion boards on reddit.com have been helpful for some on: DID, DissociativeIDisorder, OlderDID, AskDID

    KinHost is a website for ‘encouraging internal community’

    The Plural Association is nonprofit for plurals by plurals

    An Infinite Mind is a non-profit dedicated to improving the lives of survivors with trauma based dissociation

    Research by Dr. Simone Reinders of Kings College London on dissociation

    There are resources for Male Survivors as well

    Facebook support groups:

    AlterNation by The Plural Association for Dissociative Identity Disorder

    The Dissociative Initiative is an on-line discussion group

    Partners to Survivors with Complex PTSD

    Allies of The Plural Association & Dissociative Identity Disorder & OSDD


    Coming soon is a documentary I Am We follows several individuals with DID who attend An Infinite Mind conference of people living with DID


    System Speak – a podcast by a woman with DID which documents her healing, her attempt to help educated others and fight stigma. It’s not about detailing her abuse history

    You Tube

    Dr. Jamie Marich is an EMDR therapist and someone who is ‘out’ with their own dissociative disorder. She has a You Tube channel with videos answering questions and a lot of resources on her website

    For an example video of what it might look like in the headspace of some people with Dissociative Identity Disorder click here.

    DID Awareness Day presentation by the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation click here.