EMDR Catalyzes Learning

This is what makes EMDR therapy so amazing and different. Many other therapies rely on cognitive insight to catalyze change, and in my experience, this is limited.
Most of the folks I work with have some level of cognitive awareness that the feelings they have about being terrible people, or being responsible for some past tragedy, are not accurate. But this doesn’t change how the memory is stored, or how they feel about it in their hearts, souls, and bodies.
In the theory of EMDR therapy, we believe that the brain has a natural drive towards health and healing, but sometimes the memory gets stuck and undigested for some reason. EMDR therapy is analogous to a doctor cleaning the wound of debris so that the body can do its natural healing.
Once EMDR reprocessing of a traumatic experience has completed, that memory is no longer stored as disturbing and the cascade of negative thoughts, feelings and sensations that used to be triggered by this memory no longer happen.
EMDR therapy is a powerful tool in healing. And as such, it needs to be done by someone with the knowledge and tools of how to use it carefully. Clients with complex, attachment trauma need an added level of awareness and preparation. That is why finding a Certified EMDR therapist can be so important.
If you are a clinician and interested in learning EMDR and want to learn how effectively treat those with complex/attachment trauma and/or dissociation, then click here for information on the EMDR Readiness Academy trainings.