EMDR therapy with Dissociative Disorders
As I’ve been posting a lot about both dissociation and EMDR therapy, today I want to talk about them together.
There can be a lot of fear and misunderstanding around EMDR therapy when dissociation is present or when someone has a Dissociative Disorder.
Having significant dissociative symptoms and/or a Dissociative Disorder does not mean that you cannot or should not do EMDR therapy. HOWEVER, it really calls for seeing someone who is a Certified EMDR therapist who has had further training around EMDR with Dissociative Disorders so that it can be done safely.
When there’s significant dissociation it just means the way that we provide EMDR reprocessing and desensitization will likely be different and has to specifically account for the dissociation during the session and afterward.
EMDR therapy can be a powerful healing therapy for those with Dissociative Disorders, but it can be a scary and harmful experience if the therapist is not properly trained and if the client is not properly assessed.
I am a Certified EMDR therapist and Consultant with ten years of experience with EMDR and with dissociative disorders. I have had extensive training in working with complex trauma and dissociative disorders using EMDR (130 hrs. and counting), I’ve had extensive consultation and supervision and continue to do so to ensure that I am providing the best and safest care that I can for these individuals.
I am passionate about helping people let go of the pain of their past, live more fully in the present and develop hope for the future.