
  • Healing Myths


    Myth: Myth: Healing is linear, a steady improvement across time.

    Fact: Healing is messy and often includes side quests, relearning, backslides, ups & downs and all arounds.

    Healing rarely looks like we expect and is often a gradual process that is difficult to see without taking a step back to look at the bigger picture.

    Just because you are not on a continuous upward trajectory doesn’t mean that you are not healing.

    Just because you don’t have huge “a ha” moments doesn’t mean that you are not healing.

    Just because you have a set back doesn’t mean that you are back to square one or undone all of your previous learning or healing.

    It’s okay if you’re healing path starts in one direction and you change your mind part way through and change direction.

    Just because your healing journey looks different from others’ doesn’t mean it’s wrong or that you are not healing.

    Just because you keep circling back to a similar theme does not mean that you are not healing, we often learn new or different layers to a similar topic as we progress in our healing.

    Take heart, keep going.