PSA: On Emotions
Our culture prefers the rational and logical, the ‘unbiased’ view that is ‘untainted’ by emotion.
While emotions can taint our perspective, they are vitally important pieces of information that can inform and shape our decision making.
And it is not a matter of a binary choice, either emotion or logic. Both are important and valid pieces of information and needed in decision making.
I highlight this because our culture’s bias towards unemotionality makes it harder for people with more access to and willingness to show emotions. It leads to a lack of emotional intelligence and learning, leaving people with an emotional handicap.
It is not coincidence that in our culture these qualities of rationality and logic are associated with the masculine and preferred, and the emotions associated with the feminine and seen as less than or weak.
It is not coincidence that in our culture these qualities of rationality and logic are associated with the masculine and preferred, and the emotions associated with the feminine and seen as less than or weak.
Once again though, this is an over simplification, both masculine and feminine individuals have the ability to be emotional and/or logical and both should be nurtured, regardless of gender identity.