Quote from Shelly Tygielski

As we are drawing to the end of the year, it can be useful to look both forward and back.
As we look back it can be useful to reflect on the year we’ve just had, what were the good things, or things you learned or liked about the year? What were the hard things? Have we grieved the things we need to grieve from the year?
And as we look forward, I am not big on resolutions. I do believe in actively working to create the world that we want to live in.
That’s why I love this quote. It sums up my values pretty well. We do have to start with ourselves and move outwards from there.
So in looking forward to next year, what would I like to work on in my own life, for my own growth, for my own ability to show up in the world as the kind of person I want to be?
Personally, I am contemplating getting more into somatic work and understanding that in a way that is grounded in my social justice values, like somatic abolition with Resmaa Menakem. To begin that journey I will be reading his book, My Grandmother’s Hands.
What do you want to see for yourself in this new year?
@DearWhiteWomenPodcast, episode 141, from guest Shelly Tygieslski @MindfulSkateGirl