Quote – Indian proverb
Our hopes and dreams can sometimes feel unattainable and far away. It can be a struggle to see how what we do today matters or makes an impact. But all our tomorrows, both big and small, good and bad will grow out of today. We can choose every day and in every moment to do things that will move us toward our hopes and dreams. All those little steps add up over time. I work with people who want to learn to let go of the pain of their past, or transition from their gender assigned at birth, and these are big, lofty goals. When you are in the middle of the journey it is hard to gain perspective. That is why I enjoy pausing my clients to look back and review their progress periodically, because they are often surprised to see how far they’ve come and to have that progress validated by someone who has joined hem in the journey. I am always humbled to be a part of their journey and helping them find the baby steps to take that help them get up the mountainside.