
  • Hard Truth

    Healing is hard.

    And one thing people often aren’t prepared for is how lonely that journey can be.

    The majority of society has a hard time hearing truth, especially if it challenges beliefs about people and institutions like family. And if/when you challenge their assumptions about gender and identity.

    You will find that you are likely to lose people along the way, because they do not want to hear your truth and they do not like you speaking up for yourself and taking up space.

    But you will also find that you no longer want the type of people in your life who aren’t willing to hear you and support you. And it can still be hard.

    And it will be worth it. And you can find new community and you will learn to value those who are still with you in a new way.

    You deserve to be surrounded by people who want to hear what you have to say, and to support you in the things that you do, even when it does not benefit them, even when they disagree.

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