
  • JFK Quote

    I find that when someone fears change or the discomfort that may come from it, then tend to over-focus on this pain and fail to attend to the pain of their current state.

    This is understandable, whatever pain or discomfort you are currently in is at least familiar, it’s known. The possible pain and discomfort of changing is unknown.

    But all courses of action come with risks and costs, and inaction is no different, it comes with risks and costs.

    I know that when considering getting into therapy and facing the possible struggles of doing the work it can seem daunting.  But so is living with dysphoria and disconnection from your true self. You have survived every day so far, which means you are strong and resilient, even if you cannot recognize that.

    Wouldn’t it be amazing to put that strength and resilience into creating the life that you want for yourself? To put it towards living your authentic truth? Yes, you risk losing some people and some opportunities if you come out, but by not doing so, you lose any chance of learning who will stand by you no matter what.

    Wouldn’t it be amazing to put that strength and resilience into creating the life that you want for yourself? To put it towards healing?

    You can do hard things, why not do the hard thing that will move you forward into a more authentic way of living?

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