
  • Quote by Janet Mock

    This is true for everyone, and particularly true for folks who have grown up in neglectful, abusive, toxic or chaotic homes. This type of trauma can make it very difficult to know who you really are, to connect with yourself, your body, or your feelings. Again, fight for the life that you want, get into therapy, find a trauma specialist who can help you figure that all out because the negative messages you got about yourself and your future are not true. You are more capable than you know!

    This sentiment is especially for those who are part of the LGBTQIA+ communities. You have had to do more finding, revealing and fighting for yourself than the average person. I know that there is a lot of anxiety right now about your rights and protections.

    Regardless of what is going on in the wider social and political world, it is still vitally important that you are figuring yourself out. Find those supports that you need. If your family can’t or won’t be that for you, create a chosen family. If you are struggling to find who you really are or who you really love, then reach out, get help and support.  There are really good people out there who want to help. Find a good therapist if you need to, work through your baggage and fight for the life that you want.

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