Quote by Viktor Frankl
This is my favorite quote of all time. I love the message which is all the more powerful as Viktor Frankl was an Austrian psychiatrist who survived the Holocaust. He wrote the book Man’s Search for Meaning about his experiences in a concentration camp.
We each have the capacity to determine what we want our outlook to be on a particular situation and then proceed with that as a guiding star.
A few years ago, the New Years started out pretty terribly for me with a client who I thought had killed themselves. As January of that year progressed, there were a number of negative things going on in the news and in the company where I worked and I kept referring to this new year as a dumpster fire.
Toward the end of the month I realized I was getting depressed, negative and burned out and I decided that I had to stop and change direction, mentally. This did nothing to change what was happening at my company or in the news, but it did affect how I felt about those things. I purposely stopped using the term dumpster fire and refocused my energy and focus onto what I had control over in my life and work and I was able to turn things around.
Of course, this is going to be harder for those who grew up in toxic, abusive or neglectful families because of the dysfunctional messages they got about themselves, others and the world. But these attitudes and perspectives can be changed with work and with practice.