Quote from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
This quote is speaking to me more and more these days. This year has been SO rough, and the hits just seem to keep coming.
I am going to be real with you, as I sit here in my shirt that says ‘My patronus is Ruth Bader Ginsburg’ my heart is so very heavy. There have been so many losses, so much hurt and pain and vitriol.
It is hard living in this world, but we need to be brave and keep living. We need to fight for the things that we care about. We need to fight for the people we care about. Because if we give up and shut down, then the badness keeps going.
I am not willing to give up and it is up to me to use the privilege that I have to lift up the struggles of the trans community, for the LGBTQIA+ community, for the BIPOC communities. We must do better for each other, we have to keep showing up in whatever ways we can to make this world a better place for each other.